Goodbye, You Old Bag

Dragged over cobbles, puddles, and asphalt. Wedged into elevator and train doors. Pulled down city streets, as I walked briskly and pretended to know where I was headed to avoid touts and louts. My Skyway roller bag has been my sturdy, reliable travel companion. The wheels never stuck, even with mystery buildup on them. The fabric never tore although the cloud logo got pulled off the front at some point. And one of the zipper pulls got chopped in half. But my clothes never got damaged or wet. I even carried a bottle of wine wrapped in clothing (ok, not recommended for the faint of heart—my husband is an excellent packer) and it arrived intact. Made before “spinners” where a thing, this bag was the “little bag that could.” Now its days have come to an end.
After 20 years, United Airlines finally managed to crush my bag’s vagabond spirit…and its side. To my bag’s credit, it didn’t pop open, but the dent made it impossible to pull the handle out.
The demise of my old friend made me sad. And I was even sadder when I realized to make a bag claim with United, I shouldn’t have left the airport. Alternatively, I could return to the airport within 24 hours. But I had a prepaid shuttle waiting for me, so hanging around the terminal wasn’t really an option. And coming back before the day was done, would cost me more than what any reimbursement might be.
I certainly got my use out of this great birthday present from my lovely husband after all these years. I have no affiliation with Skyway, except we were both based in Seattle for a while. And I don’t know if they make ’em like they used to (I suspect not), but I’ll be giving them a look.
So, goodbye you old bag. It’s been a jam-packed adventure.