I passed this house so many times. Drove right by. It's just not what you're expecting, lodged between a parking garage and an apartment building built in 2003. The landscaping also camoflauges it too. When I finally got my act together to go to...
a designer's travelogue
I passed this house so many times. Drove right by. It's just not what you're expecting, lodged between a parking garage and an apartment building built in 2003. The landscaping also camoflauges it too. When I finally got my act together to go to...
Leaning in a warehouse studio, surrounded by huge letters, old slot headers, a pink champagne glass and hundreds of lightbulbs...
Sometimes you have to get crazy. When you hear about a storied New York institution closing. When you read the articles,...
You don't really need a specific reason to visit Los Angeles. Seeing all those places you've heard about in song or in...
Onward! We are continuing the two hour tour through the Liljestrand House, conducted by Bob Liljestrand. We head downstairs into the...
If you're following along, we're continuing a tour through the mid-century modern marvel, the Liljestrand House. Bob Liljestrand, who grew...
Touring modern houses of note can often be a dry affair. You view the building features, how cutting-edge the materials were, how visionary...
A fence has gone up around the recently vacated Donald Wexler-designed retail building. My immediate thought? It's getting readied for the wrecking ball....
In Andrea Zittel's Aggregated Stacks exhibit at the Palm Springs Art Museum Architecture and Design Center (phew, still getting used to...
Saw this spread in the Boden catalog and it reminded me of – the window covering on the Palm Springs Architectural...
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